Free-spirited Mountain


I have always stayed very fluid with my artwork, trying news things, painting different scenes. But recently I have discovered my love (bordering on obsessiveness) of mountains. They are free-spirited, beautiful, strong and where I would probably choose to live in an ideal world. I try to put a twist on the 'classic landscape' oil painting, which (shoot me now) bore me to death! I admire the talent of such artists but colours can look....drab and plain. So instead I add purple, pink & blue to turn it into a dreamy, fantasy mountain scene. I have explored different styles of mountain paintings, starting with oil paints, then charcoal and even pastel. Join me on my journey through these photos. I am selling prints and the originals (when they are dry), see my Etsy shop or email me shop(at) for details.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERApaintingOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPhoto 04-03-2014 15 47 52Photo 27-02-2014 12 47 50Hope you like them as much as I do :)

Love Katie x