How the birds outside can change our perspective
Do you feel calm? Do you feel content? Have you had a stressful day?I'm sure that most of us have had at least one moment today, that was crazy, unexpected and made our brain turn into a whirlwind of to-dos! It can often be overwhelming when you have a million-and-one tasks to do. Even little ones like putting clean socks away can turn into an 'oh I'll have time later' task, along with the other 50. But as I was running round like a wild animal, I remember about the book I bought a few days ago. I hadn't had much time to read it yet and although I enjoyed it, as soon as I put it down it went out of my head. I bought it because there was a line that caught my eye; how to 'be consciously alive and to connect to the sense that every moment in life in precious.' Wow! Even just reading those words struck something in me. Mainly because as I go through day to day, in my mind I am visualising a to-do list. Living up to expectations as a wife, a woman, an artist, a daughter, a sister, a friend and to still feel like I am who I want to be - can be a pretty draining task. But this book has really made me realise that tasks are not things we just need to 'tick off'. They are things that make our life up, so why are we signing them off. Is our real life that moment we get to explore that country path we've always wanted to, or to watch our favourite TV show? As wonderful and relaxing as those moments are, they are the least important, and the least fulfilling.
So now I am on a journey, a promise, to enjoy the little things that life gives me. When I'm washing the pots, I can look out the window at the beautiful countryside and watch the horses running down the field. When I'm hanging out the washing, I can properly 'open' my ears and listen to the beautiful sounds outside. (Note to self: please ensure this is a time when neighbours who are lifting extremely heavy weights and making relieving / heavy breathing noises (I'd rather not hear) are safely inside).
Try it now! Wherever you are - close you eyes. Take a slow, deep breath and feel your chest expand. Listen to the sounds around you - what do you notice that normally you ignore. You can try this in different settings as well to get different results. It's really amazing how different you view those menial tasks when you treat them as precious moments :)
If you're an artist this is really important because that way, you can open yourself to finding bundles of inspiration all around you. Finding inspiration isn't about spending money on fancy trips or visiting popular art galleries, it's about appreciation and wanting to pay it homage in your work.
Peace out x
p.s. The book I quoted from is 'The Little Book of Mindfulness' by Dr Patrizia Collard