Two Days to Go!!
Hello there lovelies! I'm feeling so excited and partly nervous, as there's only two days to go! For what you may wonder?...For my new seascape painting collection to be available. Yay! After these past few weeks of constantly creating and having fun in the studio - now comes the time when I have to do all the photo editing, uploading onto Etsy and wait for peoples reactions. So far you all have been so supportive about the new series and I thank you. The lovely comments on Instagram & Facebook have helped me to keep creating more and to have confidence in myself.
'The Sea & The Rhythm' is the name of this new series and I feel like it describes it perfectly. I wanted to express my love for the ocean, which happened naturally, but I also wanted to be able to look deeper into what I wanted to convey. Not just a pretty painting, but what does it emulate? Well I feel like a piece of art is different and says something different to every individual. Therefore, if you find something else, please ignore my ramblings. But I'd like to describe what these new seascape paintings mean to me. I quickly realised that all my new seascapes all had something particular in common - they all had rocks, barricading the way. It wasn't intentional at first, they were just the ones I was drawn to. I started to wonder why?...why had I chosen the rocks? Why not just the ocean and sky. It took me a long time to work out what the answer was. Just the ocean and sky isn't like real life. No ones life is just ocean waves rolling quietly on the sand. For most of us waves are crashing up and spraying in our face, and dragging us back and forth. I'm speaking metaphorically of course. The feeling I wanted to convey with these paintings is that yes, we all have rocks and barriers in our life, but we can get past them. Yes we might crash up them, yes we might spill over, but its OK.
I'd really really love to hear what your thoughts are on this new seascape painting series. As always leave a comment below and I'll always read them. You can pop your email in the box below to get a notification when these paintings are available.
You can also watch a video I made about them here:
Love Katie x [mc4wp_form id="1471"]