10 Simple and Helpful Acrylic Painting Tips

Starting acrylic painting is an exciting adventure that lets you explore your creativity with bright, bold colours. Acrylic paints are super versatile and easy to use. They dry quickly, so you can add layers and try out new ideas without waiting long. Plus, they offer many benefits, making them a great choice for artists at any skill level.

In this blog, I’m sharing tips to help you start your acrylic painting journey like a pro. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve, these tips will help you succeed!

1. Mix it Up:

Don't let your colours fall flat! Learn the art of mixing paints using the trusty colour wheel. Mastering colour mixing will take your paintings from amateur to amazing in no time. Pro tip: Check out this colour mixing tutorial for some extra guidance!

2. Keep your paints wet:

Ever wonder how to keep your acrylic paints from drying out too fast? Say hello to misting your palette! A light spritz here and there or using a fluid retarder can work wonders. Pro tip: cling film is your new best friend for preserving those perfect palettes.

3. Find the Balance:

When it comes to water, it's all about finding that sweet spot. Too much and your canvas becomes a watery mess, too little and blending feels like a struggle. Experiment until you get it just right!

4. DIY Palette:

Who says you need fancy palettes? From takeaway lids to glass chopping boards, the options are endless and budget-friendly.

5. Layer it On:

Building textures with layers adds depth and dimension to your masterpiece. Don't rush it; let each layer work its magic for a truly mesmerizing finish. Learn how to add layers to your painting HERE.

6. Mix as You Go:

Say goodbye to batch mixing and hello to custom colours! Mixing your paints separately as you need them ensures a dynamic and vibrant result every time.

7. Brush Basics:

Your brush is your paintbrush-wielding sidekick, so choose wisely. Experiment with different shapes and sizes to find your perfect match.

8. Ground Control:

Grounding your canvas can elevate your painting game to new heights. A simple layer of colour can make all the difference in enhancing your colours and textures.

9. See the Details:

Look closely, my friend. Painting what you see, not what you think you see, is the key to capturing life's intricacies. Sketch it out, observe, then paint away! In my online mini course, Supercharge your Art in 14 days, I’ll teach you how to sketch any item you like, breaking it down into simple shapes. Check it out HERE.

10. Wash Up:

Scrape it away! Instead of washing all that leftover paint down the drain, opting for a glass surface means you can scrape it away and dispose. Or you can even save the pretty paint scraps for a future project. 🌟

Watch the full video:

And there you have it! With these 10 tips, you're ready to unleash your inner artist and start your acrylic painting journey! So grab your brushes, pop on some tunes, and let's create some art. 🎨


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