My Art Videos


Hello lovely ones! Hope your week is going well. I wanted to share some of my recent Art Videos with you today as I don't very often share them on my website. I started making YouTube videos as another way to connect with any of you out there who are fellow artists, or appreciate art of any form. I adore watching other artists create and talk about their works, so I wanted to add something to this small community of YouTube painters. My aim is to help and inspire others to create, or feel as though they have been a part of the creative process after watching my videos. You will be able to see the thumbnails below which you can play, but I've included 'A Day in the Life', 'A Sketchbook Painting ' & 'Painting Waves'. I hope you enjoy these and you can find lots more in my Youtube Channel here.

It would be amazing if you subscribed, then you will be notified every time I upload. I also have a lot more videos on the way including another painting tutorial, sketchbook paintings and an art supplies video. Taking the time to film, upload and edit these videos does require a lot of energy, physical and creative. But I do feel as though this is another avenue for me to be creative and express myself. It becomes all worth it when I see the lovely comments and likes, and makes my heart feel so full. Enjoy these art videos 😀 Love Katie x