Floral Oil Painting on canvas 8x8"

Floral Oil Painting on canvas 8x8"


Floral Painting in oils

This painting was inspired by flowers I saw at a botanical gardens in Cornwall. White flowers are so fun to capture with all their many shades of grey. This is one of the two paintings in this set. They can be purchased seperately or as the pair.

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Daisies Painting Art 8x10" Oil Painting on Canvas https://i.etsystatic.com/7951108/r/il/09b232/3154854219/il_fullxfull.3154854219_lq6n.jpg
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Daisies Painting Art 8x10" Oil Painting on Canvas

Botanical Oil Painting on deep edge canvas 8x8" IMG_0542.jpg
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Botanical Oil Painting on deep edge canvas 8x8"

Watercolour Seascape on Paper 5x7"

Watercolour Seascape on Paper 5x7"

Jar of Daisies Acrylic on canvas 8x10" - Tutorial Demo IMG_0974.JPG
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Jar of Daisies Acrylic on canvas 8x10" - Tutorial Demo

Magnolia Acrylic Painting on canvas board 9x12" IMG_0982.JPG
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Magnolia Acrylic Painting on canvas board 9x12"
