Painting for Mental Health

world mental health day

Painting for me isn't just a hobby. At times it has felt like a life-line, helping me to focus on something colourful and fun.

Painting has been a way to process and accept every part of myself. I hope that painting can help you too, if you ever feel overwhelmed. 🤗

That's why I created these painting tutorials. To help you see beauty in nature and to encourage you to 'play' with the paint, especially on the days that feel dark. Here are some of my favourites to uplift & inspire:

1) Art Therapy: Sunset Mountain Acrylics Painting Tutorial (Real-Time)


2) Stress Relief: Ocean Acrylic Painting Tutorial


3) Anxiety Relief: Mountain Lake Acrylic Painting Tutorial


4) Art Therapy: Night Sky Painting Tutorial (Real-Time)


5) Art Therapy: Sunset Acrylic Painting Tutorial (Real-Time)


I want you to know too, that it's OK if you don't physically paint along. Just watching the painting come together has a relaxing feeling.

Enjoy the videos and don't forget to tag me (@katiejoblingart) in your creations! 😉

If you feel like you need support for your mental health here are some fantastic websites that might help:

Please note: I am not a doctor and do not have any qualifications in mental health. Please do not use my content in replacement of seeking professional help.


In this FREE art class, I'll share how to create unique artwork confidently, letting go of self-doubt and reliance on tutorials! 🎨

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